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March is Fraud Prevention Month.

According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center, in 2024, the top three most reported types of fraud were identity fraud, service fraud, and investment fraud – all designed to get you to pay or give away sensitive information like your social insurance number, passwords or banking details. The top three frauds reported with the highest level of financial impact were investment frauds, spear phishing, and romance scams.

Stay educated by visiting the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center for information on the latest scams, tips for keeping your personal information secure and other on-line resources.  Let SVCU be your first call if you have concerns or you are not sure.  Don't forget we are "here for you!".

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Demystifying Mortgages!

Owning a home is likely the largest financial commitment you’ll make in your life!

It’s easy to get caught up in details pertaining to debt-to-income ratios, the real estate market, current interest rates and amortization schedules. But financials are only a part of the picture. In order to make a truly smart decision, you need to acknowledge and accommodate some personal factors along with the financial ones.

Book an appointment with one of our experienced Financial Services Officers today!!

Emergency Support
For after hours emergency support please contact:
  • Digital Banking Support Line: 1.855.250.4608
  • Lost or Stolen Member Cards: 1.888.277.1043                     
Bank anywhere, any time...

SVCU's mobile app allows members to take their banking with them.  24/7 Access to manage your financial picture, where ever life takes you. Download the app here...

Your Collabria Mastercard®
is here...
Login to your Collabria Mastercard or apply for one today!

Community Minded & Invested in our Future

 "Building a better future with you"

Choosing to bank locally helps Swan Valley Credit Union invest over $70,000 annually back into our community. We support over 130 organizations, community development projects, infrastructure, events, sport programs, youth and senior programming. 


Residential Mortgage

5 Year Fixed

Ag Mortgage

5 Year Fixed


1 year


5 Year

*PLEASE NOTE: Rates are subject to change without notice at any time. Contact SVCU directly for the most current rate information.
The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is equivalent to the Annual Interest Rate, and assumes that no fee(s) apply.
If fee(s) are required as part of the application processing, any fee(s) would increase your APR.
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